JIBS United is a voluntary project that I worked on during my first year of my master program (at my university in Sweden). I was involved in my school’s student association and was elected to coordinate the communication committee and effectively, the university magazine, JIBS United. Overall, it was an interesting and fun experience but also some extra responsibility among uni courses at master level and my extra work (at the post office^^).

All in all, it did teach me a lot how to better organise myself, manage projects and delegate. My role as editorial director was to organize and coordinate between the different stages of creating the magazine as well as between the committee members such as writers, editors, photographers, layout designers and the printing company. All this while trying to stay in line with deadlines. We collected articles about different subjects related to the university and its students, the main ones being research topics at our university, successful alumni stories from university graduates, and various student projects that take place throughout the school year.. Hope the students found them interesting and that we gave them good hints of what to get involved with during their studies. Below you can find the links to the online version of the magazine for which I worked as editorial director.


JIBS United Summer 2011:
JIBS United Spring 2011:

Some of the articles I wrote for JIBS United:

Summer Issue 2011 article about Mobility and Multilingualism in Europe
Autumn Issue 2010 article about Erasmus House

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